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ASICS-IMOVEME Challenge 2020 Season 1-4

No matter the age or season, it’s never too late to get moving. Start your year right by wiping the proverbial slate clean and work towards a realistic fitness goal; whether it is to lose excess weight, improve stamina, build strength or conquer your first marathon. Research shows that setting goals is still the best way to get results. People who set goals are much more likely to achieve them than those who don’t. Bust those excuses and work towards cultivating a sound mind, in a sound body, by moving. Moving helps you to feel stronger, happier, sharper and unstoppable. Moving changes you for the better, but, it all starts with me. I MOVE ME.
Throughout this year, each quarter will bring with it different lessons but all of them will tell you that the key is to keep moving. Keep improving, face your obstacles head-on and emerge from 2020 victorious. You are the champion of your world.
ASICS-IMOVEME Challenge 2020 Season 1-4

ASICS-IMOVEME Challenge 2020 Season 1-4
