Eat Your AlphabetĀ 
For this project, I was inspired by the world of Lauren Hom (@homsweethom), Becca Clason (@beccaclason), and Danielle Evans (@marmaladebleue) all of whom are immensely talented female letterform artists who challenge our preconceptions of what artistic media can include. Often these artists use food to form typography, and Iā€™ve been intrigued by the concept but had not previously had the opportunity to experiment with the medium.

I wanted to challenge myself to work in various media Iā€™ve never worked with before, so food seemed like the most obvious option. The difference in items provided several different issues, all of which had to be resolved in unique ways (if I never see a pair of kitchen tweezers againā€¦) and offered many creative learning experiences.

As with any project, there was a significant amount of trial-and-error, and when working with food products, this resulted in a substantial amount of food waste. Minimising the amount of garbage and food waste that I produce is something that I prioritise, so the waste element gave me a sense of guilt. Admittedly, I ate as much of the projects as I could (as well as enlisting the help of my neighbours), but the project was hardly a zero-waste affair.

Thus, all of the money made from this zineā€™s sales was donated to Foodbank Victoria.
Eat Your Alphabet

Eat Your Alphabet
