Web Design ::
Some of my works on Web Design
Here's an excerpt of my works as a Webdesigner. Some of these artworks have been done on Freelance, others in an agency.

Feel free to check out my whole experiences and artworks on : www.rezgi.com

Moodboard for 'Bain&Spa', made in the Web Agency 'Performics' (Publicis Group) :: Paris, 2009
Moodboard for 'Sanoflore', made in the Web Agency 'Performics' (Publicis Group) :: Paris, 2009
Webdesign done for 'Yves Saint Laurent", Social Media section of the website "La Parisienne" :: Performics Web Agency (Publicis group) :: Paris, 2009
Social Media website for 'IBM Rational Software' :: Performics Web Agency (Publicis Group) :: Paris, 2009
Webdesign for the new website of 'Idriss El Mehdi' (Musician) :: Freelance :: Paris, 2011
Webdesign proposition for 'Azimuth', Music agenda website :: Freelance :: Paris, 2010
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An excerpt of my webdesign works. Check out the whole portfolio on my website : www.rezgi.com
