Typography Project #4: Animated Type
This project consisted of making an animated type design. For this project I decided to go with a Rubik's cube idea, it seemed fitting and wouldn't be too much of a hassle to work on during the deadlines. 

I started out with a rough idea of what I wanted to achieve with this project. At first I wanted to have an entire 9 letter word take over the whole side of the cube (Left). However, I found that it might be a little bit troublesome because I feel as if some people could read it wrong. So I worked on another idea that would either give a whole section of space and I would have a 6 letter word (Middle) or have 1 space for a 8 letter word (Right)
After making the middle squares into their own composition, it was just a matter of using the programs keyframe mechanic to start the animation process. Using rotation, scale, and duplication for the colors working along side the keyframe mechanic it provided a "3D" effect that was the basis of the animation. Adding highlights and shadows to the squares added that extra flair to the effect which turned out well. 
 After getting the animation done, I repeated the process for the rest of the animation whilst changing colors then added the text on top of squares. The text was linked to the moving parts, making it easy to replace letters and then center them on the blocks without the hassle of making them a part of something that needed animation. 
Here's the final product! I wanted something for the final text that made sense so I had the The final text be "Try Again"  to simulate not solving the Rubik's cube and have the cubes slide off the screen. This was a fun project to do and was fairly simple as well! 
"Madjoe Font Family" 
Color Swatches + Hex Codes
"Spinning Cubes"

"Spinning Cubes"
