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5 Tips to Creating a Studio at Home

If you have creativity, determination, and a home computer, you have the first few things you’ll need to launch your music career. However, setting up an in-home recording studio will require a few more pieces of hardware. This guide goes over those basics, so you can get your studio up and running.

Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
If you want to record your original content, you’ll need more than just a PC in a home office. While that’s a good start, you’ll also need a good quality DAW. Costs for a decent digital audio workstation range from $100 up to thousands of dollars, so it’s important to consider the quality and features each system provides. Some commonly known brands are Pro Tools, Logic, Ableton, and Cubase. Logic is often the preferred mid-range option because it features a whole range of simulated instruments that allows the user to be more creative.

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5 Tips to Creating a Studio at Home

5 Tips to Creating a Studio at Home


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