The immune system, a network of cells, tissue and organs protects the body from infections and disease. Since the day we are born, our body develops and works to make our immune system strong.  As a baby with an immature immune system, we are vaccinated, breast fed and supplements are given to save us from the serious life threatening infections. So, are we failing to protect this system that we spent so much time in building it? Have we left our immunity to the fate and falling prey to the diseases?
The current situation of co-vid 19 has helped us all draw attention to our immunity that was ignored long back in the motion of life.  Our lifestyle changes over the past decades had forgotten the needs of the stronger immunity until now. Co-vid 19 popped up the bubble of all the essential part of the living along with the disease itself. In the course of life, we have all forgot, that we worked for living not lived for working. 
With this realization, ‘Immune Boosting’ became a trending topic, most searched on internet, the dedicated space on our dresser for vitamin tablets- we all trying to navigate our ways to get stronger. Just the way we were struggling as a baby to build our IMMUNITY.
However, the ways to grow stronger is always around us. We just need to look and put the effort to reverse the long done destruction.
Immunity 101


Immunity 101
