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10 Simple ways to optimize your immunity during Covid

10 Simple ways to optimize your immunity during Covid-19 
The COVID-19 pandemic has made the whole world come to a stop. Most of the world population is stuck at home and a huge percentage of them are panicking. The number of people that have been infected by the coronavirus is alarming. While a cure or vaccine against COVID-19 would be a boon to humanity, it may take several months to get there.

Coronavirus infection is fatal and we have heard horror stories of several people and countries to prove that. The protection against COVID-19 for now are precautions, social distancing and our immune system. There is enough evidence that leads us to believing that people with better immunity can recover better and have low mortality rate.

Here are 10 tips to improve your immunity during COVID-19 pandemic:

1. Eat healthy food: Your body is what you feed it. We should eat healthy food not only when a pandemic is going on in this world but also when the world is totally sane. Good food will provide us with all the nutrition that our body needs to fight against diseases. We should eat food rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, Zinc (contributes in building WBC) to fight against coronavirus.

2. Exercise: Exercising will not only get your body in shape, it will also help you in building immunity against diseases. Exercising will increase your muscle strength, contribute to a healthy heart and increase your lung capacity.  3MEDS (Best medicine app in India)
3. Replace sugar with jaggery: Excessive intake of refined sugar is not good for your teeth, blood sugar level, cholesterol and overall health. Instead of sugar you should take jaggery. It will not only curb the damage but also improve your immunity. If you have spent your childhood in an Indian household then you must have taken jaggery against cold, cough and sugar.

4. Stay hydrated: Your body is made of 70% water and we need to take water/fluid to maintain its level. Water helps in removing toxins away from your body. Water also helps in maintaining salt level in your body. You should take at least 3-5 litres of water everyday.

5. Drink immunity boosting drinks: In 3-5 litres of water you can also include some immunity boosting drinks such as lemon and ginger tea, herbal tea, basil tea and hibiscus tea. These drinks will energize you alongwith immunizing your body.

6. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol and other addictive substances: These addictive substances are injurious to our health and worsens our immune system. Pandemic or no pandemic, we should always avoid these kinds of addictions.

7. Maintain Hygiene: Washing hands several times a day has become normal for us. Maintaining hygiene is a basic thing that you need to do to increase your immunity because unhygienic habits attract pathogens like no other. To maintain hygiene you should not only keep yourself clean but you should also keep your surroundings clean. 3MEDS (medical store home delivery) 

8. Sunlight: Seems like our elders keeping winter clothes under the sun before wearing them was not really illogical. While sunlight is a great source of Vitamin D it is also a great disinfectant. You should bask in sunlight for at least 20 minutes daily either in the morning or in the evening.

9. Destress: With the world gone haywire stressing ourselves is inevitable. But you should also remember that stress reduces your immunity power. A healthy body needs a happy soul. Talk to your friends and family, take some time off to relax and let your body build immunity.
10. Get proper sleep: While most of our organs work 24x7 our body physically cannot work for that stretch of hours. Our body requires a total of 8 hours of rest which includes 6-7 hours of sleep. Sleeping not only refreshes our mind, it also refreshes our body. Our body heals at a faster rate while we're sleeping. Sleeping is one of the easiest ways to improve our immunity.

These are some easy tips that will help you in improving immunity. It is the best that we can do to protect ourselves from this deadly virus. Having said that, strong​ immunity does not guarantee safety from COVID-19 and you should still follow all the safety norms and must always remember that even if you do not contract the virus you can still spread it.
Stay safe and stay healthy.
10 Simple ways to optimize your immunity during Covid

10 Simple ways to optimize your immunity during Covid


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