1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image
1984 Novel rendition image

1984 Novel

The client approached me with the task of translating a comprehensive 100 pages of a book from English to Arabic, seeking a meticulous and culturally sensitive conversion of the content. To accomplish this, I meticulously undertook the translation process, ensuring a faithful transfer of ideas, themes, and nuances while maintaining linguistic integrity. The translation process involved a methodical approach wherein I delved into the intricacies
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Size: 0.8 MB
License: Personal License